The Greatest Cook Book If you want to be heard, at least make your message worth hearing. remember you'll get better when starting something. Don't let your vision get clouded by how well you do today, there's always tomorrow why do you care what someones doing if its not hurting anyone? Don't let one bad leaf ruin your tree. stop trying to save people who are happy to drown. you'll drown yourself. everything you make has gravity, the amount of gravity depends on how much time you spend on something, how much love you put into it. The things that last the longest are filled with the most love, the greatest things who cares how the tree looks, its doing what it was made to do. Trees know who they are and do what they can. You have the choice yet choose to limit yourself? As I draw each tree it makes it harder to start a new one, the more you love something the harder it is to move on, but you have to if its hurting you, to grow. So cherish and enjoy the moment because it wont last forever. Listen to your heart because the best decisions are no brainers. You see the trees getting better, you see it with more detail, my vision, to create branches, to show that no matter what you are doing, you can always add more detail. don't trip over things you cant control. These branches are for you, a tool for you to swing on, to use, to create your own branches, in your own way, for others to use. All these branches at the top trying to reach the sun, yet the strongest ones are at the bottom. these branches that deserve flowers, yet only a few have them, the branches aren't worried, their flowers will come. Be patient. hmmm less thinking, more doing, the best way to learn to fall, is to fall, not by thinking about whats going to happen when you hit the ground. Respected art mediums, twisted concept, you can display love on anything, in any place, anywhere, doing anything. Everything's a medium for love. Do things to enjoy the process, don't get so caught up in thinking primarily on the destination all the time. If everyone wants to be heard, why aren't those with the loudest voices winning? Because the message ALWAYS means more then how its displayed . whats the point of having the loudest voice if what you're saying isn't useful. You're so caught up in trying to one up the man next to you, that you cant even take a second to do whats right for yourself. Create your own symbol of faith and see the gravity it has. Because the things created purely out of love attract the most people. You think the person who invented pasta was thinking about the money? If you're sure you are doing the right thing, why are you having second thoughts? I'm not going through life only wanting to draw, express yourself in everything you do. But how are you gonna paint the picture you want if you haven't painted before? learn how to use things for the intent of expressing yourself, to be heard. I want what i create to speak for itself, but some people need subtitles. every stroke with a pen is permanent, in life there's no erasing mistakes, you have to learn how to live with them and continue drawing, continue living. Your tree will look different because people deal with mistakes differently. Accept your mistakes because they make you. Frustration is apart of the journey. Don't ruin your art by forcing yourself to work when you're doing more harm then good. Take a step back. we spend 18 years getting told what to do, then another 20 trying to survive and wonder why people have a midlife crisis. I'd be mad to if i spent the first 38 years of my life not doing what i want. Your souls mad at you. Give these kids something to aspire to be, artists inspire the youth, people who love what they do, who are unapologetically themselves. i hope for this to make you want to make something incredible. Because you are incredible. who cares if you cant be better then the next guy, just keep trying to be a better you. you cant see how beautiful your branches are gonna be if you chop them off every time someone has something negative to say about them. Don't let someones opinion stop you from making something great. millions of pages of paper wasted making kids write down things the teacher don't even think is useful just because some curriculum said so. Shout out them teachers actually trying to help these kids. I get scared of failure, so i work harder so i'm not scared anymore. There's no miss-takes in the movie of your life, learn new things, learn to mess up and not be scared to try again. even if it doesn't feel like your best work, just keep trying, things WILL get better. would you erase something you stand for just because your "boss" told you to? someday's are better then others, keep working to your dream. if you know how you want your movie to end, then you should start acting right. i wish for a world where those with the loudest voices are saying the realest shit, helping people. Listen to "and then you pray for me" album while watching Best anime fight scenes (SAKUGA ANIMATION). Being yourself is THE CULTURE everything is soulful as long as you put your soul in it. 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